Crusade #2: Run-Purpose definition

There was no update on the success of this crusade today. Well, I owe an explanation. Here.

xray scan3
For that X-ray image to make basic sense, it is an X-ray of my left ankle joint and clearly I have a broken Fibula.
For that statement to make deeper sense, at the bone level, we’re going to use my time machine and flash backwards in time a few months.

The morning of 16th November, 2013. 0430hrs, North Bangalore, India

16 Days into running everyday. A cold morning. Returning from an eye-opening and highly unproductive day at the stupid film studio I work at, I ran out of fuel on my  1987 Yezdi Classic motorcycle. With insufficient cash at hand, I managed to push the motorcycle for the last 2kms home. Washed my face and hit the bed to rest my eyes for 30 mins, in all hopes of going for my euphoric morning run where I had battled over shin splits and gloriously won! My body was so tired that I did not wake up until after 1100hrs. No run today! The schedule was now gone to hell. Following  day, a Sunday, laziness had crept in and I failed to go for my run again.

18th November, 2013. 0600hrs, Home, North Bangalore, India

A very pleasant morning, perfect for a run and to beat that schedule back into my body. I ran! It felt good. I did manage to beat my personal best time of running for 18 mins non-stop, covering 3kms.  I achieved this 18 days into running. I was proud. A few minutes into the run and I had noticed that there was a slight amount of discomfort that turned to mild pain around my left ankle around the side of the shin area. As I continued running, I forgot all about it. Along with everything else I want to forget about. Precisely my point of running. I just thought that it could be shin splits coming back due to the break I took.

As I walked home, proud of what I had done and calculating how fast I could achieve running 10kms non stop, I noticed a slight limp in my left leg which, by the time I reached home a few minutes away turned into unbearable pain. I iced the ankle and carried about my day, which mostly consisted of sitting in front of my home computer and watching videos on the Internet. As I climbed down from my room every time, I realized the pain was getting worse. By the time I came down for my evening tea, I noticed a nasty swelling in my left ankle to a point where I could not even walk properly. I got spooked as this was an ankle I had broken a few years back, right around this time of the year. That fracture left me in a cast for a month and the bed for two. The worst time of my life! Also the time I broken my heart and there was nothing I could really do about either. Helplessness had a whole new definition ripped out for itself in my life.

I called up a friend of mine to take me to the doctor close by, he promptly showed up. I narrated everything to the doctor who ran a humble orthopaedic clinic. A very sweet old man, he patiently listened to me and then suggested that I get an X-ray done. I was shitting my pants now, the first and last time I had taken an X-ray two years ago, it turned out that I had a broken fifth metatarsal for what seemed a rather stupid accident while at a photography shoot covering an event. The x-ray came in and I was told that there was definitely a displacement of a ligament that held my ankle together, but no broken bones. And that the gap between my bones had increased due to the displaced ligament. I was advised not to run, give full rest and keep my ankle wrapped up in tape, elevated and give it 3-5 weeks before I run again.

xray scan2

I am destroyed at this point. because, nothing was working out in my life, no proper job, no new photography assignments coming in and I was already losing my confidence, the only thing I was getting good at was running. And now, that was taken away from me. After I showered the good doctor with questions up to the point of annoyance, I researched a lot about ankles in general and discovered how wonderful they were by design in all their structural complexities and the simplicity with which us humans tend to disregard them.

Three weeks down the line and the swelling that had disappeared made a negative comeback. I went to the hospital that had treated my broken ankle two years ago. As I thought they’ll have all my files and would be better prepared to treat me and answer another butt-load of my questions. I told the new doctor that I might have possibly aggravated the sprain by walking a little bit more than prescribed. I was taken to a senior doctor who immediately called all the interns into his cabin and turned my ankle into a feel and tell model. He commended that I had the perfect pair of flat feet for running and that I should take a little more care in wearing padded shoes as I run on paved roads mostly. He inspected my ankle closely, compared it to my right one and was absolutely sure that there was no fracture and told me to keep it wrapped in tape and not even wear an ankle brace and to give it additional rest of a few more weeks and to do all the ankle strengthening physiotherapy I was already doing. So I figured its mid December already, I’ll wait till the new year to start running again.

December is now over, the new year has begun. Just a small button like swelling remained on the side of my shin, I went in to the hospital again to get permission to run. I was told the swelling would remain for a few more months and die down eventually. After testing my ankle for strength and flexibility by a completely new doctor to the case, I was told to give an additional 2 weeks rest and to start running again, slowly, but steadily. I was satisfied with this answer. No heart-bursting remorse that I’d have to wait longer.

I picked up an exercise program that consisted of light Cardio and muscle-building to be done at home. I forgot all about running for a while, but I knew I always wanted to get back to it. My ankle was now able to handle all sorts of jumping exercises. I would walk everyday for 30 mins. I lost 5kgs in 6 weeks. I was eating healthy too.

The batteries of my time machine have been fully recharged, now lets take a trip and land on 25th February, 2014

A slightly warm morning,  you can tell summer is fast approaching. The working out and morning walks had hard-wired an early morning schedule into my brains. I forgot all about my very successful getting shredded workout, put my new shoes on that I bought for running and thought, let’s test this thing out. It was only Rs. 1200/- and had been excellent so far. But can it take the running? Lo and behold, it can! And very well indeed. (take that, morning walkers who look like a sporting brand showroom puked on them) All the reduced weight, and squats helped me run for 12 mins non stop. I felt a tingle in the same point in my ankle where that last button like swelling had remained a month back. I got back home, dipped my legs in a bucket of ice water and I was fine. Let me remind you, my personal and mostly important professional life hasn’t gotten any better. But my appearance certainly had. So I carried on with my day of writing random stuff for myself, the other crusade of learning to drive and more internet videos. Day two, ran for 13 mins non stop. The tingling feeling now turned to some amount of discomfort and then pain. That annoying button like swelling was now back. Icing did not seem to help much. Climbing down stairs was now a little problematic. I decided to run tomorrow and then go back to the doctor. There was this feeling that with a broken bone and displaced ligament, this was my “anish’s ankle,” dangling over my head. I ran for about 11 mins before I stopped and got back home to go straight to the doctor.

At the hospital where the nurses and staff of the orthopaedic department now seem to recognize a familiar face in me, I was greeted by yet another doctor, who had actually taken the time to read my files before I got into his office. After yet another narration of all that I went through, he has now got me to lie down and is testing out my ankle for its strength. He then pokes and presses on that little button like swelling from hell and it hurts just like its address.

I was not prepared for what the doctor told me next. He said that swelling is the result of a previous fracture just like he would have read the symptoms in his diagnostics book. My heart sank. And my mind remained puzzled with one question: “What the bloody hell does he mean by a previous fracture?” it’s not like I’m a 90 year old gentleman who had a very successful career as a red bull athlete to have previous fractures that I don’t remember of. I was ordered another X-ray. The X-ray tech was surprised to see a boy who seemingly walks perfectly come into his lab and ended up asking me in a very sweet voice that perfectly matched her little figure, “What happened to you?” In all my startled mind, I said , “Ankle sprain” and smiled. The X-ray was done and I did not have the guts to see it myself.  Plus I have no fu*king clue about reading X-rays. The X-ray is opened up on the doc’s computer and he goes. See, that’s where the fracture was and points out to my mangled looking fibula. I go, “holy fu*k!” He then explains that when I sprained the ankle in November, I also cracked the bone, but since the pieces of the bone did not get displaced, it wasn’t easy to figure out. And then he says, that I basically ended up fixing a fractured bone without ever wearing a cast. Like that makes it all better!

Now, I have bone that has not healed itself fully from a fracture that hadn’t been discovered until the bone irregularly fixed itself to up to 80%, a bunch of idiot doctors who did not figure it out in the first place, a new and greater sense of disrespect towards all doctors,  another month’s time of rest before I run again and that bloody fuc*ing feeling that my ankle is fu*ked up from a stupid accident once and then once again from nothing but running! No jumping out of a plane without a parachute, no jumping a motorcycle from ramps, no extreme downhill mountain biking. But, simple plain old running. Have you seen how mentally kids run around in school during lunch? I did not even do that to break my bone.

Why is this all such a huge deal to me? Apart from the earlier mentioned fact that my life is a complete mess and disability of any kind isn’t a morale booster. While growing up, I have had a lot of friends who have broken all sorts of bones for all sorts of reasons. I personally believed that I could never break a bone. I should have known that I was only lying to myself as I had stopped drinking milk at a very young age. It shouldn’t be a surprise that my bones tend to snap like twigs for the seemingly little things. Also, as bad as a time of my life I’m having right now, nothing has been worse than that first time I broke my ankle and went into a cast. It was an unstoppable domino downfall after that. And since then anything to do with bones only takes me back to that dark and ugly place all over again.

Broken bones heal, I know they heal, they heal very well too. I told you, I have many friends with broken bones. But the broken bones are never going to be original. You’ll know the amount of scarring left if you see the very appropriately named TV series, BONES. Even healed broken bones are well, not OEM, like the manufacturer intended it to be. At this very juncture in life, where I am giving up on the stock configuration and contemplating designs and procedures all by myself to customize my 1987 Yezdi motorcycle into a more modern and practical ride simply because the original parts are not any easier to find and with a strong understanding of whatever I have learnt from reading “Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance” by Robert L Pirsig. I declare that, “if done right, maintenance and customization can lead to better than better than stock performance.”  If you have not figured it out yet, that I am a motorcycle freak, I’d like to quote from one of my favorite motorcycle movies, Ghost rider. Nicholas Cage playing Johnny Blaze goes, ” I’m gonna own this curse, and I’m gonna use it against you.”

I shall wait, lying in the shadows, preparing, strengthening myself and then one day, sooner or later. Run! Run again and Run!

Crusade #1: Drive! Update, reverse turn

Stalled the car thrice today. I blame it on the reverse gear!!! Its almost as if it is an evil invention designed not to let use our legs the way they were meant to be, directly! On the ground…!

Today’s lesson had me so riled up that it was worthy of ending with a cigarette. But that completely contradicts with Crusade #2, Hence, I decided to steer clear from controversies and just post a picture to commemorate the moments.

Losing my 4 wheeler virginity – Crusade #1: Drive

The story of losing my 4 wheeler virginity… Why did it take me so long? Pure lethargy, procrastination, “I’ve been busy” and oh, I didn’t have the mood for it. Possibly the same reasons that virgins can stand to validate their situation as well. I stalled the car twice today, shifted to 5th instead of 3rd multiple times. You just can’t feel the engine like you can on a motorcycle! Oh, that one is mostly the reason why I never tried driving, as I shall always love riding.

LMV Day-01

LMV Day-01

What do you want for Valentine’s Day -The whimsical original

OK, the answer to this is a big deal to me and a lot of people out there, to each and everyone who has ever known and consciously understood the purpose of Valentines’ s day. It is this one day that people think that they should celebrate their love for the ‘special someone’ (like it’s a sin to do this every day). I know it can be very painful to choose the right Valentine’s Day gift. I don’t believe in self induced pain… Why is it so important to get the gift right year after year? What is the importance of these gifts? If you’re waiting for me to type out the answer, you’ve got some high hopes. Heck, I don’t know what the answer is, at this point I don’t care to find out either.

There are a lot of them who have their ‘special someone’ and are frantically looking for the right gift. May be they have the gift, but its killing them that the gift might not be the perfect one and are working on comeback lines when questioned about their understanding of their ‘special someone’. It’s a lot of shame if you don’t know your special someone. This is one fence I know if I cross I won’t find the grass any greener. So I’ll stay here and eat the chicken instead. What we need to think is about the many other beautiful people who have not met their ‘special someone’ and are constantly bumping into the wrong people or just plain not bumping into others at all?

While I’m currently sitting and waiting for one of these people looking for their perfect match to come find me. (I don’t have this ‘special someone’ because she is just butt lazy or still being perfected or is probably just too shy to come find me) I’d like to throw open a special Valentine day offer to all the others out there. An offer to join a Valentine adventure.

This offer is open to all the lovely ladies out there between the age group of 18 to 22 of age (I know it’s a small window, sorry to all the ones born before me, you’re probably better off without this stupid offer.) You have to be on the lookout for your ‘special someone’ and of course should not have found him yet. 🙂 Should be willing to risk a few things. ( I won’t get you killed ). Must have a willing mind to have some casual fun (does not include slapping a bull… :(). Must definitely not be broke :P. Contact me via e-mail with your personal mobile phone number and a photograph of you, not some random picture clicked by you or a picture of another person, animal, cartoon, celebrity, crater on the moon or any damn thing else that resembles you, on or before the 13th of February, 2010 2000hrs or eight o clock in the evening.

We’ll exchange number’s, text, talk on the phone for general acquaintance and if we soon find out that we’re some bit compatible, then we’ll call it a face to face interaction (not a date), Maybe sit down for some tea. I know this is a short notice, but humans work better on impulse than based on planned actions, read that bit from a research paper. I think that last line clarifies I’m looking for humans

If and when the adventure does begin and we do meet. We both get this superpower where if one finds the other a lil too strange as in out of this universe strange, he/she can run away from the spot, maybe from the back door or by making the strangest of reasons for which you get bonus points. Out of this world, solar system, galaxy strange is tolerable by me. Please make sure you pay before you leave… or else the little bomb dropped in your bag will go off…: D

If we do get to like the strangeness in each other, it is certainly possible for further productive interactions without the complications of the above mentioned offer. *




Just to be a little safer

* Conditions apply, there is no offer document, so don’t spend your time reading through it. Insurance maybe a subject matter of solicitation, soul searching isn’t.

What do you want on Valentine’s Day?? Part-2


If you haven’t read the original “What do you want on Valentine’s Day??” You really haven’t missed much. It was written out of pure whimsy. Part-2 however deserves a considerable amount of attention. What is it about? It’s about the nerve wrecking, hyper exciting, deal making or breaking, and elusive first kiss. However, I would like to clarify that this has nothing to do with the phenomenon or any other kind of menonof Valentine’s Day because you simply can’t fix a year’s worth of damage in a single day. I just happened to find this to be a mildly appropriate title and time to write about the dreaded first kiss.

Everybody knows the importance of the first kiss between two people attracted to each other. I happen to know the importance or the lack thereof of kissing people I’m not really attracted to. When you meet someone new, you might get connected at so many levels, but if you are not connected at a physical level, you are challenging your physiology. Believe it or not, developing this physical connection takes time and effort and sometimes has nothing to do with purely physical attributes of a person.

If you ask me, you shouldn’t be asking. But nonetheless, people become fond of each other over time. If you have an instant connection, that is good. But I’m not very sure that it’ll last long enough until it is ploughed and sowed again. (Seriously, no pun intended)

Case in point, you happen to meet this lovely girl who grabs your attention more often than you’d think. You’ve never met her before; you do not know anything of her, except for maybe her name, if you don’t yet know more. It is ok to google her, you’ll find plenty. (E-stalking is not the same as good old fashion follow her to the bus stop, stalking) So, anyhow, here is a girl, who is just like any other girl. You have seen many girls like her. You would have probably ignored her if you saw her elsewhere. But this time, there’s something common between you two. It could be anything! It could be a friend, an eatery, a food item, anything. Or she has once upon a time read and liked the same nursery rhyme that you liked. This whole identification of common factor is purely co-incidental. But you don’t know that. You just know for some odd reason this girl is special. She rings your bell or bells. This completely depends on the acoustic set up your body has.

Let us say, you both have a very meaningful conversation. You have a few differences of opinions which by the way, is very important. You conveniently decide to meet again at one of the many social settings that are bound to turn awkward if you both showed up alone to. You each have helped each other now. You’re her hero and she’s yours. Ok, she’s your heroine! So you save each other’s skins. Now you suddenly have the urge to get into each other’s skins. Your thoughts go “We are single, available, and compatible. We have also come to admire each other recently.“

Do whatever you may, but do not recite these things out loud, to her or anyone else. The resulting reciprocation is just going to cloud your opinions. While that might be a good thing later, it kind of defies the purpose of me narrating this whole scenario. So, keep your mouth shut! At this stage you are both doing certain things to get to a more private setting, which will enable you to get that first kiss going and then make much bigger life decisions. Like, wonder if you will eat the chicken that crossed to the greener side of the fence or not. If you think about it, there is nothing more to be done. The kiss needs to be executed now! Its time! How can you be so sure that this is the natural course of events and that she is now an active participant? Well, this, you just know or you do not. Enter alcohol to ease tensions and induce persuasion. Warning: in case of implementation of alcohol into the reaction, make sure you are both intoxicated, if not, the breath is just going to brutally handicap your results. And this whole thing is going to be spontaneous. There won’t be time for bloody breath fresheners.

Private setting acquired, you are both alone. You say something funny. She laughs. You make eye contact. Strong eye contact recommended. You tease her, she slaps your arm. She tries to change the topic to find out how committed you are to the situation or to find out if you really know what is to come next or are you a dumbass. You say something cute and sensitive to bring her back and let her know that you’re no kiddo. She giggles and recognizes the moment. It’s your turn now, lean in, touch her face, move your fingers closer to her ear. At this point it is suggested to note if your alcohol glasses are safely planted away from your bodies, we do not want any spillage. If you are smart, you will make a move out of this. Very evidently, place your glass down as you start leaning in. She gets the clue that you are going to use your hands for something. Take charge, if she is holding her glass, gently take it from her hands and put it down next to yours. Now back to fingers creeping towards her ears. Maintain eye contact until the point where you have to squint in order to maintain clear visual and then slowly close your eyes. Not fully, no! We dude’s do not close our eyes fully. Now there is nothing left to do. You kiss! Hurray. You retract slightly to see if she wants more. And indeed she does. So you go in again. But, um… nothing happened. I mean yeah you might have a boner under construction. But wasn’t there supposed to be more? It feels good. Her lips! But something is just not right. Maybe it was the nervousness, well now that we have started it, when we fuck each other, I’ll push my tongue down her throat and then this whole thing should be fixed. I’ll enjoy it more then. For now, I have a new possible fuck buddy/girl friend or any one of the million titles waiting to be showered onto her.

You have done nothing wrong. She loves it too, she’s blushing. Slowly trying to lick her lips and return it to its original moistness which you so yummily amplified. She’s putting her head down by about 20 to 30 degrees from eye level. Slowly rolls her eyes upward to look at you in a playful way. Fumbling to find her glass back, while wanting to know if she really wants it back right away or do you have something more in store for her.

There are a million things going through her head now. That’s really her private thing. Let’s not mess with it. But, to insinuate, she’s probably comparing the kiss, not for analysis, but comparison for its own sake. Or she’s probably activated the evil scientist laugh in her head because she finally has revenge on her ex-boyfriend who is now dating some girl who evidently has bigger boobs. As the laugh continues in the background, she can’t help but wonder, that was wonderful, I feel like such a slut for doing it, giggles to self. Take that, my girl friend from high school who claims to have made out with soooo many guys, whom I never liked for obvious jealousy and who is ironically also going to be the first person to hear about this ravishing achievement. But, something was missing. Did I not do it right? Did I stop him too soon? Did I not arc my back enough, or tilt my head? I must have left my hands hovering around. God! I made him feel like a rapist. I should have done something. Maybe grabbed his hair or maybe his shoulder. What did I do last time? God! Why can’t I remember? Fuck, my boobs are so small. That must be it. The kiss wasn’t that great because it was just a kiss, he doesn’t really like me that much. Nobody likes small boobs! He’s just another guy, look at him grinning; he’s so cute. I know he wants to fuck me too. I’ll prove myself to him then. I’ll show him the moves my tongue has got.

Congratulations, you have now got yourself an average first kiss and a free pass to a chain reaction of more awkward moments that you will tend to ignore based on mere repetitions.

If you ask me, which I’m reminding you again, isn’t a very viable thing to do. Nothing went terribly wrong in the above scenario. In fact nothing went wrong at all. This is actually the new ‘this could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship” moment. It wasn’t a big deal. You can’t really improve on that given the circumstances and backgrounds and foregrounds and settings and ambience and a million other things that constitute this universe and if you are a believer in the multiverse ideology like me, then any other universe that should exist.

In an alternate path to seeking happiness in life, which involves the everyday struggle and routine of doing whatever it is you do for a living day after day. There is that one girl who annoys the fuck out of you. But you do not know why. She thinks her name is, “Ms. Know It All.” Ooh, she has a middle name and it is not a single letter, but an entire word! There are a few things that she is better than you at and you cannot stand it. You have to tease her, take her trip, and condemn her life choices, choices of clothes. Make fun of her small boobs or big boobs. Every single life decision of her has to become a topic for a joke. You never have a serious conversation with her. She is so successful at her work that she threatens other colleagues, but you have become so good at making fun of her that others now want you to make fun of her. Soon, she is the butt off all your jokes! Then there is that one smart/ignorant person who says to you, you tease her so much because you like her.

Once this conversation has happened, you’d better deny it. Then it is bound to reach her ears. You know why? You have been making fun of her so much that other people want to give it a try at making fun of people and how could they be any better than you, the king? Well, it’s simple really, make fun of you! And as that idiot with the fate scribbling pen would have it, you and this girl have to work together now. Splendid! I do not care much for the increase or decrease in your efficiency while working together. All I care is to make the point that you end up spending more time together than you normally would. One dreaded day, she makes the courage to ask you this, “Hey, you are a pretty smart person, why do you always make fun of me? I thought it was because you were an immature stupid kind of person.” You see how she played your ego there? Your answer better be smart! That’s what she is expecting.

Listen to me, well, this one time you can listen to me. It’s your grave anyway, if you have me shovel it or anyone else with a bulldozer, it’s really your choice. Your answer should be something like this, “I make fun of you, because…. (pause) You know you are a really beautiful girl, I’m sure you’ve been told this several times. But do you know what else you are? (maintain eye contact) You are a really funny too…” Say that and go mental laughing. She has just rolled her eyes and gone ‘WTF’ on your ass and then on her boobs. Because you know, they are too small or too big.

You know what else you do on this very same day? Make sure you work late and then offer to drop her home. Is she accepts the offer it is mostly because she wants to see you suffer for being a dick earlier. Well a limp dick anyway, because you didn’t get her going earlier. Change topic of conversation, ask her personal questions. You deserve to know, you are dropping her home. Be considerate, and do not stop making jokes altogether, but do stop making fun of her. Find something that could amuse the both of you. Drop her home go away. The next day, pretend like yesterday was erased from your memory. To some men this comes real easy. Try and be that man, take up acting classes if you have to.

This has gone on for too long now. All the guys who have no game and are reading this will start taking this literally and then blaming me for screwing it up. So let’s cut to the chase. Or well, the end of the chase sequence in this case. Quite literally too! This girl, you have been making fun of has learned too much from you, you have finished your project together and she has while congratulating you made a very very very insensitive joke about your work ethic. All in good humor, just like you would have. You are furious now and you chase her down the stairs. You are now thinking to yourself, “She cannot be better than me at making jokes too. I started making jokes about her because she was too good for me in the first place. This is injustice of the largest proportions. Wow, all those workouts have done me some good. I don’t feel my paunch bouncing up and down either.“ Concentrate bro, she just ridiculed you and she could get away with it. You’ve caught up with her now, she probably slowed down too. Grab her by her wrist. Corner her against the wall. Catch your breath, well whatever little of it you have to catch up “Mr. Six Pack Man.” Oh look you too have a middle name now. You demand an explanation from her. She argues with you! She tries to tell you that you have been really mean to her and that it has hurt her and it is only fair that she returned you the treatment.

She has now begun sobbing, just a bit. You feel sad for her and about the level of immaturity in you. You are about to react and then you feel that you have caught up with your breath real fast, there was no sweat on your brow, but now it has started building up. And it feels cold too. Your heart begins to race again. A little faster now! She is still complaining, she is about to tear up. You can hear her, she has your undivided attention, but you cannot decipher her words. You are emphatically connected to her now. You loosen the grip on her wrist. She is still blabbering away.

You have a moment of clarity and you stop her by saying, “I’m sorry.” She is confused, but happy. She almost stops talking but asks you to repeat. You calmly say, “I’m sorry.” You cannot take your eyes off her eyes. There is music in the air. Relax, you’re not in love or anything, the music is coming from your office where the party celebrating the success of your project has just begun. That connection you have with her says to you that she wants to be kissed now. You lean in and she leans in. Your eyes begin to close. I have to agree this eye closing thing before the kiss is a bit overrated everywhere. You release her wrist from your hand and hold her face with it. You use your other hand to grab her by her waist, draw her closer because the natural pace of things has taken too long to get you here.

You kiss, your lips touching softly on her lips. You remember the time you made fun of her lips once. You understand now, how wrong you were then. Both of your breathing has now become heavy. You don’t have to slow down to make sure that she is with you. You know that she is. Her eyes are tightly shut and she is gasping for air. Which is mostly because of you chasing her, but it heightens the sensation of this kiss. So let’s go with that.

A slow motion montage of every situation, every joke, every name you ever called her is playing in her head now. It’s synchronized to soft piano music that is pacing up and down as visuals keep flashing in her head. This montage is a reminder to her of every moment of her life when she thought that you hated her. But you evidently did not, for if you did, you will not be stuck to her lips like a sucker fish. As this montage in her head is about to end. You are preparing to let go of her and face the consequences along with facing her face that is now making you blush. The montage has ended in her head and she has a two-part realization. One, that you do not hate her and more importantly, two, that its damn well time that you stood there and proved otherwise for as long as she wanted you to.

The feeling sends a chill up her spine and as this chill reaches the back of her neck, she jumps back onto your lips and kisses you with ferocity and so much gumption that you have to stand there and take it. It has turned out to be the best first kiss of your life, even the best kiss ever. You do not want to let her go. You pick her up, stroke her face. You cannot believe how soft her cheeks are. Twirl her around. You know you are in love with her. You conveniently do not care about all the people you have let down because you will never make fun of her like you did. This kiss is never going to end. It will go on in both your heads until the end of the universe or all every single multiverse, if you are into that kind of thing.

This is the thing about firsts. They are discoveries. You don’t know how long it will last. And hence you do not put a stop to it. You let it go as long as it should and not rely on improving on it the next time around. It’s not the same the next time around.

This piece turned out to be a lot longer than I first expected it to be. But that is the point. A lot of things only get better with time. There are certain things that will only happen over time and duration. You cannot rush it. You will only be half-assing it. And you will never be happy with it and what is worse is because you will never come back to it to do it whole-assedly because in your head, it has already been done. That is just a shitty way to lead life. You can read the offer document all you want before investment. But it will not do you any good if you do not make the investment in the first place.

Extra Extra Extra
I have a very vivid imagination. Therefore it isn’t necessary that the above incidents are true.
There is a real life girl whose appearance I manifested into my brain multiple times while writing about the second and the perfect first kiss. We both know of each other’s existence. But do not know each other like we ought to. Her beauty is just angelic, but conversations with her are so slow, it is like she has a speech impediment. But, that is only because she’s just damn a slow thinker. (This piece has been a successful read, if you see what I did there.)

Disclaimer: To all the men who would want to use the subject matter as a ‘How to’ guide to impress a woman or try to understand what a woman wants, the number of ways in which a woman can be impressed or understood are only as infinite as the stars in the sky. I have not counted all of them, neither have I mentioned all of which I have counted.